Tuesday, January 31, 2012

create a life

If i was giving the power to create life would I? Yes i would! giving life to something that never seen the world or even smelled or touch anything. but why would I?
Because everything you can thing of that can live why shouldn't it live? should something live even tho it isn't human. i think it should, to see it wonder and love like a human.

Monday, January 23, 2012

frankenstein unread yet

Well my class is about to read Frankenstein and i don't really know anything about it but this. some girl at the age of 19 wrote it. that's pretty cool that she wrote a book about a human monster that i think is a zombie.

Do i think a man can create life? Yeah! Just get lots of unused body parts and put them together and some kind of life giving thingy to put in it and boom you got something kinda living.

Do i believe in the sorcerer's stone? Hmmmmm i really don't know? A stone that can give life forever well that cant be right

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

2012 Theme Word

I chose the word nice because you can use it in anything like for exp. dude nice car! thanks bro. see how it just fits? I'm joking the reason why i chose the word nice is because everybody can be nice to each other sometimes.

I hated being nice to people because as soon as your nice he/she thinks you like them but in life i don't but o well. nice can be bad if you don't know how to use it rite or something like that.